
Day 6 - Fête des rois / Epiphany

The tradition for Epiphany is that you eat a cake with a bean hidden inside and whoever gets the bean is the king/queen. Well, my boy cheated 'cause we could see the "bean" in the slice, so we decided to make the Bugmeister into our king for the day. Ain't he cute!


Day 5

Nothing much to say, I had my first class tonight and I missed this little bugger.


Day 4

Sunrise walking to the office this morning. The colours were so pretty.


Day 3

It's been a fun day. I started by making french toast for the kids as they had requested, plenty of fresh fruit to go with and some strawberry whipped cream. We then headed out, bought some secondhand skates for Felix and went to Barani for some trampolining since Charlotte wanted to show us her new jump. See the picture for a small sample. It was awful. The place was jammed packed and I must say it is really stupid of them to only open for 90 minutes, it's really too short.

Right after that, we went to the skating rink to meet up with my friend Caro and her kids. You can see her daughter with Miss C. Charlotte really had a great time except her socks were too low and she got a burn on her ankle. Felix seemed to appreciate his new skates.


I've picked a word for 2011...

My word is CHALLENGE

My first challenge to myself is to get my stuff organized in the house. I've started by buying a filing system and have been cleaning my papers. I've filled a large recycling bin with old magazine clippings and all kinds of unnecessary crap. This first challenge has started on a very sour note since I received some very negative comments from my father. I must say, this is a very unpleasant start to the year. Will I challenge myself to better my relationships with my family?

To organize my papers, I bought a filing box with some purple suspended files and various colored files. I started labeling the files with my Dymo labeler. So far, it's mostly papers stuffed into folders, but I'll clean it all up within the month.

I'm also trying to organize my room. It's a huge mess. Not enough storage and too much stuff. I've emptied 2 of the four bins under the bed and will empty the other 2 soon enough. I've also been clearing out the magazine boxes, no need to keep so many mags just to gather dust. I'd already cut back on my magazine purchases with just one regular purchase (which is unavailable at the library) and an occasional extra one, but only ones I really want to keep.

Now, only one day left before I go back to work. Tomorrow I want to take the kids trampolining and if I'm feeling up to it, take Miss C skating.

My next challenge will be to cook more, trying new recipes and such.

Day 2

I love taking pics of Bebitte. He is a great subject, although not always the most willing to sit still. This is one of the good shots he agreed to provide me with today.


New Year, let's try the challenge again

This is Miss C's take on her brother. She drew it on the apron at the restaurant. What a charming little devil ;)
